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Globally Enrichinging the Arts

Across the nation and around the world, The Continuo Arts Foundation is making a difference in the artistic climate of today's generation; generation to generation . From local, intergenerational choral programs to educational master classes and rehearsal visits; from 1st tier choral & orchestral performance premieres at home to the finest festivals abroad; from community outreach and local concert appearances to young artists debut series; from conducting fellows and artists-in-residence programs to collaborations with the finest artistic organizations...

Continuo Arts & You!  together, we are making a difference, enhancing lives, inspiring creativity, and assuring that indeed... the music lives on.

Continuo Arts.....Who we are:

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 Chitty Bang

Ukulele Camp

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Registrations now open for our three-week Summer Musical Theater Intensive!

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Registrations now open for our one week Ukulele camp!!

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